Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lyrical Genius

What's your favorite song ?
Why? Because you know all the words?! Maybe Because it 'jives' with good vibes ?! Or Perhaps, you're an all around music lover and find it to be a 'workout' when you 'jam out'! (Werd, I'm TOTALLY there with you). 

Would you believe or call it 'bullshyt'! if someone told you that the reason you become so tuned into the beat, flow, and/or lyrics of the music because your mind is so present, no room for other unnecessary thoughts, that you're practicing meditation. (Uh-Huh, Yup, NO BS there!)

Like switching up your workout, so you can see the best results,
Try this exercise: 
Listen to a NEW song (one you don't know)
Listen to the lyrics
And and and check this, JUST BREATHE !!

'Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be' stay a little more present each second of your day ! Aka LYRICALLY INTUNED !

Listening to:

Sunday, February 28, 2016

5 Simple Ways to a Uplift Your Selfie

"I woke up like this!" - Beyoncé 

(Seriously this song FLAWLESS is my jam!!! Take a listen!!) 

It's so true...I/You Woke Up Like This!
I am who I am, so it's best for me to appreciate, love, honor, & respect who I am so I can continue to bring, create, & send those vibes out to others !

Here are 5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Selfie !

1. The instant moment you get out of bed, say ' THANK YOU'. 
{thank you is an INSTANT positive happy
vibration to having a good day}

2. Look in the Mirror and find 5 things that you love and are unique about your self 
{then dress to make those features standout ! **pop** (lol)}

3. Have a balanced-nutrient dense breakfast. 
Healthy breakfast = Healthy results 
- 3/4 c granola, 1/4c walnuts and 8 oz almond milk
- 1 c non-fat Greek yogurt, 1/4c granola and 1/3c mixed berries 
- 3 egg whites, 1/2c oatmeal, & 1TBL sp flaxseed oil (good for metabolizing body fat)
- smoothie: 15-20g protein powder, 2oz banana, TBL sp almond butter, 8oz almond milk, 5-6ice cubes, 1c spinach & kale (optional)

4. Sit in a quiet meditation for atleast 5 minutes. (Yes, you have time. This will actually give you MORE time ; true story!)

5. Smile (even if no one is around.). {smiles have been scientifically proven to increase overall happiness & balance by 100%}

Have a Happy Day ! 🙂
(You deserve it!) ✌🏽️

The Winner is Eating Organic !

Taking a probiotic, drinking apple vinegar, and a digestive enzyme all take the roles of best supporting actors. 

Although the best actor , goes to eating organic !

One of the reasons some people may suggest to not eat organic because of costs. I can totally relate although that I have noticed and have received similar responses from clients and friends of mine, that switching to organic has helped their 'tummies' (stomach, disgestive system, GI Tract), have a better, more satisfied feeling after finishing a meal.

Here are some of the Top-Most Healthy Reasons to switch to organic.

1. Avoids Chemicals

( I read that: The National Academy of Sciences reports that 90% of the chemicals applied to foods have not been tested for long-term health effects before being deemed "safe." Further, the FDA tests only 1% of foods for pesticide residue. The most dangerous and toxic pesticides require special testing methods, which are rarely if ever employed by the FDA.)

2. Increase in Sustainable Vitamins, Minerals, & Nutrients

(Organically grown foods have more nutrients—vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients—than commercially grown foods because the soil is managed and nourished with sustainable practices by responsible standards)

3. Better "More Complete" Taste

(Because nourished, well balanced soil produces healthy, strong plants.)

4. Avoids GMO

(So interesting to find out that GMO foods do not have to be labeled in America. Because organically grown food cannot be genetically modified in any way, choosing organic is the only way to be sure that foods that have been genetically engineered stay out of your diet.)

5. Avoids hormones, antibiotics, & drugs in animal products

(The moment I switched to eating organic chicken, I started to experience less bloating after ingesting. To add, conventional meat and dairy are the highest risk foods for contamination by harmful substances. More than 90% of the pesticides Americans consume are found in the fat and tissue of meat and dairy products. Which also has effect if weight loss is a concern and/or factor)

6. Environmentally safe

(Less pollution, healthier-safer water & soil, eco-safe, supports local farming)

7. Healthier Future for Children & Babies

(Studies have shown that children, infants, nursing & pregnant mothers have a huge positive impact of overall growth of mind & body when fed organic foods.)

Be Strong & Organically Cool ;) 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

5 Simple Ways to a Uplift Your Selfie

"I woke up like this!" - Beyoncé 

(Seriously this song FLAWLESS is my jam!!! Take a listen!!) 

It's so true...I/You Woke Up Like This!
I am who I am, so it's best for me to appreciate, love, honor, & respect who I am so I can continue to bring, create, & send those vibes out to others !

Here are 5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Selfie !

1. The instant moment you get out of bed, say ' THANK YOU'. 
{thank you is an INSTANT positive happy
vibration to having a good day}

2. Look in the Mirror and find 5 things that you love and are unique about your self 
{then dress to make those features standout ! **pop** (lol)}

3. Have a balanced-nutrient dense breakfast. 
Healthy breakfast = Healthy results 
- 3/4 c granola, 1/4c walnuts and 8 oz almond milk
- 1 c non-fat Greek yogurt, 1/4c granola and 1/3c mixed berries 
- 3 egg whites, 1/2c oatmeal, & 1TBL sp flaxseed oil (good for metabolizing body fat)
- smoothie: 15-20g protein powder, 2oz banana, TBL sp almond butter, 8oz almond milk, 5-6ice cubes, 1c spinach & kale (optional)

4. Sit in a quiet meditation for atleast 5 minutes. (Yes, you have time. This will actually give you MORE time ; true story!)

5. Smile (even if no one is around.). {smiles have been scientifically proven to increase overall happiness & balance by 100%}

Have a Happy Day ! 🙂
(You deserve it!) ✌🏽️

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Musically Increase Results

Dance. Sing. Jam Out. Whatever, Just Move Your Body !
Like changing up your workout, changing up your workout playlist can increase your fitness results by 100% (yup!). Not only does it increase your heart rate, it stimulates healthy, creative brain waves that build overall strength & tone to your muscles as well as the amount of positive thoughts that you generate within. (Score!)

Check this Throwback Thursday Workout Playlist:

1. Juicy by Biggie
2. Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z & Alicia Keys
3. Through the Wire by Kanye West
4. Rock SuperStar by Cypress Hill
5. N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S. By Biggie and the Bad Boy Family
6. Break on Through by The Doors
7. Crawling by Linkin Park
8. The Way I Am by Eminem
9. Moment for Life by Nicki Minaj
10. New York, New York by Frank Sinatra
(Yes, this song I love to hear during my workout, instant pump-up!)

What are some of your favorite workout songs ?!?!
{let's hear it!!}

P.s. One of my alter egos is to be a rapper like Nicki Minaj, so I practice my I'm getting dressed each morning. (Lol!) 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

10 Ways to Practice Non-Attachment

Did you know that being attached to something as simple as a parking space can increase static, stiff, low energies in the body ?!?!
Yes, you can naturally let it go and move on to a different parking spot and call it a day though, what about an attachment to something like an unhealthy habit, thought, and/or feeling of 'not being able to, {blah, blah,blah}', we'll say Lose Weight in this case. 

Mind over Matter. (You Can!)

On my social post I spoke briefly regarding a phrase that came to me:
'To be attached to nothing. And open to everything.'

A clinging, a craving, a wanting, a stress increasing mood, and/or a worrying

Being open;
Allowing new experiences to come, a natural appreciative-calm feeling. 

A relaxed, calm, healthy, balanced peaceful frame of mind (and actions). 

Aside from, 'phoning a friend', 
Here are 10 Ways to Practice Non-Attachment
(These can be practiced any moment of the day. Also can help increase physical goals of weight loss and muscle tone)

1. Take atleast a 15-20 walk daily
2. Get some sun, vitamin D (increases liveliness!)
3. A quiet meditation sitting of atleast 5 mins (eyes closed, just feeling the inhale and exhale)
4. Workout of atleast 35mins
5. Writing, reading, and/or drawing
6. Separating from all technology and/or social networks for atleast 30mins ! (You can do it!)
7. Prepare a healthy meal (increases cleanliness and clarity of mental thoughts and digestion & metabolism)
8. Listen to relaxing music 
9. Make a gratitude list (when the going gets tough this is an instant peaceful-feeling booster)
10. Recite an 'I AM' Mantra
(Try: I am relaxed. I am opening to receiving a positive change. I am open to letting go to anything that my body/mind is holding onto)

Believe in making a positive change. And each day take actions toward increasing a healthy feeling that flows throughout the body. 

P.s. In my experience, I jot notes all the time that help me stay on point. (Though we're all human so breathe , breathe, breathe through the process.)

Monday, February 15, 2016

Music Motivation Monday.

"If you had one shot, one opportunity, to seize every thing you've ever wanted, would you capture or would you just let it slip?!."

- Eminem
('Lose Yourself")

For years, and probaly centuries, music has been used to join in community with others ! Music and exercise have been used to bring more sweat in our fitness classes and workouts, raise our heart rates to an anerobic fat-burning cardio zone {without question}, as well as create an overall mind-body balance.

Have you ever received or sent a mix-tape to some one? Have you ever added a song to your workout playlist because it gave you so much 'I Can!' motivation? Have you ever dedicated or listened to a song that gave you an 'emotional-soulful' memory of an experience, time and/or person? Or you flatout, know every word to a particular song(s) because it just CONNECTS to YOU !

As side from 35 mins of physical exercise 5 days a week, listening daily to atleast 60mins of music has be known to help regular the rate of a healthy heart rate. Combine that with a healthy balance of proper-portion eating and you got yourself a healthy-strong-intune-lifestyle !

Motivation Music

1. Lose Yourself by Eminem
2. Moment of Clarity by Jay-Z
3. Started from the Bottom by Drake
4. Flawless by Beyonce
5. Starships by Nicki Minaj
6. B.O.B. by Outkast
7. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga

{How to Calculate Your Target Heart Rate}
  • Take your pulse on the inside of your wrist, on the thumb side.
  • Use the tips of your first two fingers (not your thumb) to press lightly over the blood vessels on your wrist.
  • Count your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to find your beats per minute. You want to stay between 50 percent to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This range is your target heart rate.